Posts in Nutrition
Refreshing Green Smoothie

I thought I would share this refreshing smoothie that’s perfect for the hot summer months!

All of my smoothies follow Kelly Leveque’s “Fab Four Smoothie” model to incorporate protein (20+ grams), fiber, fat and greens. This combination makes for a nutritionally packed and balanced meal that keeps me full through the mornings! I have a large buffet of ingredients now that makes it easy to create all kinds of variety within my smoothies, but this one has been a favorite lately because of the refreshing, summery flavors.

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Simplicity in Food & Wardrobe. And a Summery Kale Salad with my Simple Homemade Dressing.

At the beginning of this year, I made a commitment to myself to buy less and to buy higher quality. Part of this has also included supporting brands that produce items ethically and sustainably, and supporting smaller shops and labels as well.

Overall, my wish is to simplify my closet to only contain pieces I love and have thoughtfully curated.

I also love a simple approach when it comes to food. Eating nourishing, whole foods, with an emphasis on vegetables, is one of the best things you can do for your health and happiness. I feel my best when I’m eating simply!

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Healthy Ideas for Shelf-Stable and Long-Lasting Foods

A lot of shelf-stable and long-lasting foods are highly processed and far from nutritious, and while these are fine in moderation, I urge you to remember how important it is to nourish our bodies and boost our immune systems during these uncertain times. Don’t stress — there are definitely lots of foods we can have in our kitchens and pantries that are long-lasting and still provide good nutrition.

I’ve been brainstorming a list for healthy foods to have on hand, and got an overwhelming response from you guys wanting to see that list!

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How to Boost Detox

Simple ways to help your body cleanse and rebalance

The word “detox” can have negative and extreme connotations (no, I do not recommend any crazy juice cleanses), but it turns out it’s one of the most essential functions our body performs. It’s natural and healthy. There are many small daily practices that gently boost and optimize our body’s own detox systems!

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12 Tips for Maintaining Youthful, Healthy Skin

If we can all agree on anything, it’s likely that we want to age gracefully while maintaining healthy, youthful skin for as long as possible throughout our lives! Laugh lines and crow’s feet gradually form, but there is so much we can do, both topically and internally, to nourish our skin and make it as healthy as possible, all while slowing the aging process! As someone who loves nutrition and beauty, this post felt like the perfect marriage of the two, and I very much enjoyed researching and writing this post. With that being said...let’s dive in!

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Egg Roll Bowl (Paleo, Low-Carb, Gluten Free)

I need lots of flavor and variety in my meals, however, I want flavor and variety with clean ingredients and while being being gluten free and relatively low-carb. Basically, when you find a good one, you “roll” with it!

Queue these egg roll bowls! They’re absolutely delicious, packed with flavor, and a great way to sneak in some veggies you may not eat often (cabbage anyone?). They’re also low-carb, paleo, and gluten and soy free.

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