Posts tagged SPF
My Favorite SPF Products

I was recently listening to a Skinny Confidential Podcast episode and the guest, skincare expert Charlotte Cho, said "SPF is the best anti-aging cream you can buy." While I was already a big believer in protecting my skin, this simple line was a huge WOW moment for me. 

As much as I love the sun, it's hella damaging for our skin. My mom had skin cancer removed from multiple locations while I was in college, and that was my wakeup call. I promised myself I would never step foot in a tanning bed again, and I would be sure to protect my skin when in the sun. Not only is skin cancer very much a reality, but the sun also speeds up the aging process. And I don't know about you, but I want to put off wrinkles and sun spots for as long as possible!

So, SPF it is! Here are some SPF products I love & use regularly...

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