My Favorite SPF Products

Best SPF products to protect your skin from aging

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I was recently listening to a Skinny Confidential Podcast episode and the guest, skincare expert Charlotte Cho, said "SPF is the best anti-aging cream you can buy." While I was already a big believer in protecting my skin, this simple line was a huge WOW moment for me. 

As much as I love the sun, it's hella damaging for our skin. My mom had skin cancer removed from multiple locations while I was in college, and that was my wakeup call. I promised myself I would never step foot in a tanning bed again, and I would be sure to protect my skin when in the sun. Not only is skin cancer very much a reality, but the sun also speeds up the aging process. And I don't know about you, but I want to put off wrinkles and sun spots for as long as possible!

So, SPF it is! Here are some SPF products I love & use regularly...


Supergoop! Unseen Sunscreen

I wear this every single day as my primer and face spf. It goes on lightweight and clear, and doesn't break me out. Since I've been wearing it, my face has never burnt, even on some long days outside. This has become one of my holy grail beauty products!


Coola Liplux SPF30

Our lips very often get neglected and get a lot of sun damage. I highly recommend adding a lip balm with spf to your pool/beach bag! And make sure to wear it if you'll be hiking or spending lots of time outside for any other reason.

This one by Coola goes on lightweight and it works really well for me!

Bali Body BB Cream SPF15

This is a lightweight bb cream that's perfect for a slight glow-up at the beach, lake or pool. No one would know you're wearing a bit of makeup, but you can get an extra layer of spf while evening your skin tone slightly and creating a really pretty glow.

Colorscience Bronzing Perfector SPF20

This is another great "no-makeup makeup" product for a beach day and it gives you a bronzy glow while offering up SPF20 protection.

Colorscience Brush-on Shield SPF50 (a translucent powder)

I lost this and I'm so sad about it because it's an awesome product! It's a translucent powder with SPF50 protection, and it's so easy to dust on your face throughout a day in the sun. Bonus points: it helps with your oiliness too! Supergoop! came out with a similar product that I'm excited to try as well.  


Splurge - Coola Eco-Lux Sport Continuous Spray SPF50 in Guava Mango

Yes, it's pricy. Yes, it works. And yes, it smells AMAZING. I love this stuff! It's protected my very fair skin without fail and Trey loves it too.

Save - Trader Joe's Zinc Oxide Mineral Sunscreen Spray (SPF35)

I picked this one up at Trader Joe's while on vacation and was instantly drawn to the $8 price tag, and that it has zinc oxide in it. I love zinc oxide because it's a natural sunblock. And as much as I love the Coola sunscreen, I probably can't sustain buying it every single time I need sunscreen, so this is a good budget friendly option! 

Do you wear SPF of some sort every day? What are your favorite products??