Yes, I Shave My Face (and here's why you should try it too)


Yes, I shave my face!

Not every day. No, I don’t have stubble.

I started researching it after my esthetician dermaplaned my face during a facial last year. My skin was soooo smooth afterward with no “peach fuzz” in sight. She also mentioned the anti-aging benefits, and I was allllll ears!

Since I can’t get a facial on a weekly basis, I started shaving my face to maintain this newfound smoothness between facials.

It’s a common belief that shaving, especially on your face, will cause your hair to grow back thicker and darker, but that’s 100% a myth! My peach fuzz is still blonde as can be and I often don’t notice jt’s grown back until I feel it while applying my skincare. The timing will be a little different for everyone, but I shave every 1-2 weeks and it takes 2 minutes tops.

Here are 5 reasons why you should give it a try, as well as some tips!

gentle hair removal

I have crazy sensitive skin, and and waxing just does not work for my peach fuzz and “mustache” area. I thought I was doomed to a fuzzy face until I tried dermaplaning and shaving. As long as I keep a separate razor for my face and keep it really clean, I have zero irritation to my skin. No redness, no bumps…just smooth, glowing skin.


This is also a great way to lightly exfoliate your skin, because it gently removes dead skin cells at the surface and prevents them from building up. Dermaplaning will of course do a deeper exfoliation, but shaving helps a bit too.

better penetration of skincare

Because of the gentle exfoliation and lack of peach fuzz, your skincare products are actually able to better penetrate and absorb! A win-win.

better makeup application and staying power

Probably my favorite benefit of all is how much better my makeup applies when my skin is super smooth! It’s able to sit right on the skin, and actually lasts much longer.

anti-aging Benefits

Because of the gentle exfoliation and better absorption of skincare products, it’s believed that shaving your face has anti-aging benefits! Based on how smooth and glowy my skin is since shaving regularly, I believe it!

My Tips

I like to shave with cleanser or a cleansing oil on my face so that the razor glides very smoothly on my skin! I definitely don’t want any tugging or cuts going on. After I shave and rinse the cleanser from my face, I proceed with the rest of my skincare routine. I always use a witch hazel toner after cleansing, and it’s perfect for this too!

There are lots of little face razors out there (like the one pictured above), but to be honest, I find a regular razor is faster and more effective. You just have to be careful, especially in the tighter areas.

I have a separate razor for my face, and do not keep it in the shower. This is crucial, especially if you’re breakout prone like I am! You’ll want a separate, clean and dry razor that you use only for your face.

If you have any active acne, but really careful and maybe avoid that pimple or area while it’s inflamed. If you have a lot of acne at the moment, it may not be a good idea to try shaving just yet.


So, that’s the scoop! Have you ever tried shaving your face before? If not, are you open to the idea now??