The Surprising Factor that Kills or Boosts our Confidence

The Surprising Factor that Kills or Boosts our Confidence
messy waves, cool-toned blonde hair with roots

I feel like there's not much worse for the confidence than a bad hair day, am I right?? My hair is super fine, so my bad hair days tend to be when my hair is flat and lifeless. This makes me feel so gross! I end up fussing with my hair all day and wondering if I should just chop it off! Turns out you guys absolutely hate bad hair days too. This is what some of you girls had to say about how a bad hair day makes you feel:


"Fidgety, like I can't stop playing with my hair"

"Low self esteem"


"Less confident, worried about how I'm being presented, messy. Even if everything else is good."

"Vulnerable, self-conscious, less outgoing"

"Frustrated and frumpy"

"Like I want to go home and bury myself in bed"

"A little discouraged. Like I already know the day will suck."

"It plays with my confidence"

WOW. Can you believe the impact a bad hair day has on our confidence?? 

According to a survey by Yale University, only 1 in 10 women experience a great hair day regularly. That means our hair is affecting our confidence all the time

I hate that so many of us feel this way so often.

how to get more volume with fine hair
Pantene Sheer Volume Shampoo and Conditioner - give you volume, but also shine

When Pantene reached out about joining their 14 Day Challenge, I was anxious and excited to see if I would have more great hair days! I used their Hair Advisor guide to pick the best shampoo and conditioner for my hair needs, and went with the Sheer Volume Shampoo and Conditioner to give my fine hair a boost. I used it for every wash over the course of two weeks, and definitely saw some positive changes. My hair held volume and curl way longer than it had been before! My styling lasted all day, rather than fading by the afternoon. This was a game changer for me because I'm used to my hair falling flat and feeling gross within a few hours! Somehow, even with more volume, my hair was smoother and softer than usual too. 

Overall, I definitely had more good and great hair days overall, which was an amazing feeling! I felt more confident, more attractive, and I didn't go through my day just wanting to throw my hair in a messy bun. And guess what, I'm not the only one who feels SO much better when I have a good hair day! Here's how they make YOU feel:

"Empowered! Ready to take on the day."


"The best and like I can conquer the world!"

"Put together"

"The day is going to be good!"

"Happy and positive"


"Like I won the hair lottery, swishy and comfortable, more confident"

"Like a kweeeeeeeenn"

"Like I want to see everyone I know and catch up!"

"It is a mood booster"

"Like I can do anything. But really it just makes me like my hair more and not want to chop it off."


rooted cool blonde hair

Isn't it amazing to see the difference?? Our hair really plays a huge role in our confidence, our happiness, and how social we want to be! 

I want all of us to feel this way more often! I encourage you to check out Pantene's 14 Day Challenge to find the right shampoo and conditioner for you so you can have more great hair days too!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Pantene. The opinions and text are all mine.

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