My Spring Check List

spring outfit: floral top + a denim mini | Love, Lenore
denim mini skirt with a spring blouse
I love the fresh wave of motivation and energy that comes with any new season, but especially spring. Spring always makes me feel hopeful and inspired! Since I'm feeling so motivated right now, I thought I would share my spring check list with all of you! 

spring florals
how to toughen up spring florals | Love, Lenore

Try at least one new dinner recipe each week. I've been so into cooking lately and want to continue the momentum by trying more new recipes. It's easy to get into a rut (especially in the winter) of making the same dinners over and over, but I want to keep things fresh (literally and figuratively) in the kitchen this spring!

File our taxes weeks before April 17. I'm a classic procrastinator paired with a millennial that is overwhelmed by adulting. It's quite the combo, let me tell ya! haha. This week I'm working on getting everything organized so that we can get started well before April!

Read a new book, front to back. This is a sad one. I am so, so out of the habit of reading. I actually read quite a bit every day, just not out of books. I've always loved reading, but in college I was doing so much academic reading that reading for fun lost its appeal. I have a stack of some books lent to me by friends and I'm debating between reading this one or this one first.

Start (and complete) the Bikini Body Guide workout program. "BBG" is a 12-week workout guide created by Australian trainer (and babe) Kayla Itsines. I actually found this four years ago and did 2/3 of the program before our wedding, and looking back at the photos, it seriously worked! While I've done some of the circuits here and there for a quick home workout, I've really been contemplating doing the program start to finish as I'm trying to get in the best shape of my twenties! I haven't decided what 3 month time frame to do it in, but I want to at least start it in spring so it carries over into summer!

Finally get rid of my sell + donate piles. My guest room is currently a hell hole of clothing piles. I have a Poshmark pile, a Facebook sell pile, and a large donate pile. I recently listed quite a few items on my Poshmark (@lovelenore) that are slowly but surely selling, but I need to stop procrastinating on the rest! I always want to be more minimal and not have clutter in the house, and getting rid of these piles will be a huge step in the right direction!   

stripes + florals
spring blouse with a denim mini and ankle boots | Love, Lenore
top  |  skirt  |  similar bag  |  boots  |  sunglasses  |  earrings

What are some things on your own spring check list? I actually have a lot more, but wanted to keep things simple for today's post ;)