I'm In a Funk

spring dress with a denim jacket
floral wrap dress for spring
Part of me feels weird admitting this here, but the other part of me knows it's healthy to talk through things. I am in such a funk lately. I've been going in circles over branding, aesthetic, etc. and I'm feeling so unsure lately that I haven't even been wanting to edit photos or post - things I usually love and look forward to! 

I LOVE creating content, but I'm so in my head right now that it's feeling very stressful instead of like a creative outlet. 

denim jacket over a floral wrap dress
black floral mini dress
Location, location, location
Part of the "funk" that I'm in stems from the fact that the aesthetic and vibe that I love and am personally drawn to is nearly impossible to achieve living in Missouri, especially in a smaller community. I think I've always done a fairly good job with creativity of photo locations, but ultimately the look I love doesn't exist here. So why not just work with what I have and be happy? Well, I'm trying. But I think we're all intrinsically drawn to what we're drawn to creatively. So, right now I'm feeling a little stuck on this front! In some ways I would love to pick up and move to SoCal, but I also don't see it happening for us :) So, somehow I have to figure out something that will work for me. I still haven't found that formula or "look" that's perfectly "me."

I also fall into terrible little black holes of self-critique sometimes. I'm struggling to find my place right now, and trying not to compare myself to others!

Winter Doldrums
I also think a big part of the weird funk I'm in is honestly that I'm so sick of winter! I don't know if it's seasonal depression, but I'm not quite feeling like myself. I'm not feeling my usual motivation to go out and shoot content and get things done due to the cold and constant gloom. I'm hoping that spring brings a wave of fresh motivation to me!  

black floral mini dress
spring dress with a jean jacket and boots
Anyways, the point of this post is just to let you in my head a bit, and to ask you to bear with me as I try to figure out what the heck I'm doing! You'd think I would know after years of blogging 😝 but I'm still exploring and learning where I stand in this crazy blog and Instagram world! I need to make the most of where I live and make it work with the aesthetic I like, stop comparing myself to others so much, and take advantage of spring weather and the energy it brings!

Now, a quick word about my outfit... This dress is one of my first spring purchases, and I love it so much! Looking at my closet, I've realized I'm really, really into black florals, so of course I was drawn to this little wrap mini dress situation. To transition it from winter to spring I stuck with a denim jacket and some ankle boots for now. I bought my dress here, but I also found it with all sized still available here.

Dress: available here & here  |  jacket (more options here)  |  boots  |  sunglasses  |  necklaces here & here  |  earrings