I'm Back!

relaxed & casual fall look | oversize tee, cropped mom jeans, ankle boots
oversized tee by Project Social T
Hey hey! It's been a minute since I posted. I gave a little update on my Instagram story last week about what transpired with my father-in-law, but if you missed it here's a quick scoop without going into too much detail. Friday before last we found out he was being airlifted to a hospital about an hour from us (from Arkansas where he lives) with serious bleeding related to his cancer & treatments. After rushing to the hospital, we found things to be much much worse than we expected/knew and Friday night to Saturday morning was undoubtedly the scariest night of our lives. We are incredibly grateful that his surgeons/doctors and nurses did an amazing job, and that his mental strength and any remaining physical strength pulled him through that night and the remaining weekend. Over the course of last week he recovered and made gains at a rather miraculous pace (he was very popular at the hospital!), and we got to bring him home on Wednesday. Trey and I came home to work Friday, then headed back down to Arkansas over the weekend to visit, keep him company, and help with his care. 

We are just so grateful that he's okay and that his cancer outlook is now looking really positive. We were not ready to lose him, and knew he wasn't done fighting. We look forward to our kids knowing both of their incredible grandpas! 

Needless to say there was no time over the past week and a half for photoshoots, dressing up, or even giving a thought to Instagram and blogging. However, it's great to be back in a routine, and back to both blogging and work!  

oversized tee, cropped jeans, ankle boots
cropped mom jeans with ankle boots
Top (c/o)  |  Similar Jeans here & here  |  Ankle Boots  |  Similar Hat  |  Lipstick ("loved")

So, this outfit is definitely a more experimental look for me, but this fall and winter I really want to push myself out of my comfort zone with my styling combinations and purchases. I was honestly getting a bit bored, so want to take some style risks! 

Cropped, relaxed jeans paired with tall ankle boots are definitely a look that's new to me, but I'm diggin' it right now and want to play around with the pairing more in the future. This super oversized tee from Maude Boutique is so comfortable and versatile. I love that I can style it as a cute lounge look around the house, or dress it up a bit with denim to head out the door. See another way I styled it here.