July Favorites

Somehow it's already time for my July Favorites post, and honestly, I'm kind of sad about it. Summer is absolutely flying by; Trey returns to his classroom and the football field in a few weeks, the days are getting a bit shorter each day, and our summer travels have come and gone. But I really can't be sad because we've had an amazing, full summer so far! Including, but not limited to, getting hooked on Game of Thrones 😜

This was an eventful month, so I have lots to share in this post!

Chicago riverwalk | Love, Lenore
rosΓ© with a view at Cindy's Rooftop in Chicago
bike ride along the lake shore in Chicago
22 Hours in Chicago
We made a quick road trip up to Chicago Monday and Tuesday of last week, and it was easily one of the highlights of my summer. We usually don't mind longer drives together because we talk and listen to podcasts and hunt down Chik-Fil-A's. And after a vacation with my family, and a big friend trip, it was really nice to get away for some couple time! We originally had passes for Lollapalooza (this week!), but there ended up being so many individual concerts we wanted to go to this year that we sold those and made new plans. I'm really glad we still made it up to Chicago because Trey had never been and I had only been once for a couple of days in the winter time. We couldn't believe what a beautiful city it was! And there is truly so much to do, so we can't wait to come back. 

Monday afternoon we drove up the shoreline and around the city for a bit before checking into our hotel downtown, walked around several parks, grabbed drinks at Cindy's Rooftop (so. gorgeous.), walked on the riverwalk (and drank more rosΓ©), then took an Uber to the West Loop area to eat at Urbanbelly (delicious Asian fusion for cheap) before heading to the J.Cole and Anderson Paak concert at the United Center! The weather was somehow in the 70s in late July, so we walked a ton and just enjoyed the day. And that concert was insane! It was our third time seeing J.Cole and first time seeing Anderson Paak and they didn't disappoint. Tuesday morning we grabbed donuts then headed down to Lake Michigan to ride bikes up the shoreline. It was such a great way to take in the beautiful views and weather before heading home!

marbled Yeti Yoga mat
  Getting Into Yoga
I've taken yoga classes sporadically over the years and always felt a bit bored with it, but a few months ago I tried a new class and I'm so into it now! The teacher is fantastic (which really makes all the difference), and I find the class to be engaging, faster-paced and really challenging. As a former dancer I could always skate by through a yoga class fairly well, but this class has knocked me on my ass (literally and figuratively!) and motivated me so much! I leave with a calm mind and stronger body. I feel the most confident in my body that I have in about 3 years. I can't wait to keep improving and getting stronger (and more flexible) as time goes on. My mat is by Yeti Yoga, who makes the most beautiful and interesting yoga mats I've ever seen. Mine is "The Taurus," which is perfect because I'm actually a Taurus πŸ˜‰

What Lifts You angel wing mural in Nashville
Visiting Nashville Again
Trey and I went to Nashville just the two of us last summer, and knew we wanted to come back and bring friends. So a couple of weeks ago 10 of us rented an awesome AirBnB and had a really fun week in Nashville together! Needless to say, I needed a food and alcohol detox after that trip 😝

Ban.do agenda
The Most Perfect Planner in the History of Planners
I shared a bit in this blog post about de-stressing, but having a physical planner for the first time in a few years is already feeling really positive for me. I spent about an hour of my Sunday afternoon yesterday writing out blog post ideas, to-do's, upcoming celebrations, and more, and it was such a peaceful way to head into a new week. This planner is the cutest thing evaaaaa, and the layout and aesthetic is exactly what I would design. Each month there is a notes section (perfect for blog post planning!), a monthly view, and then a weekly view. Plus it has stickers (hell yeah). I'm also enjoying my glitter gel pens just as much as I did in 2001!  

Slide sandals / herringbone tile floor
  Woven Slides
I've barely worn other shoes since finally buying these woven slides. I love the minimal chic vibe! The only thing I'm upset about is not buying them back in the spring when I first had my eye on them. I have no idea why I waited so long! 

Jacy of Love, Lenore and her husband at Pinewood Social in Nashville
Celebrating 3 Years of Marriage with Trey
I cannot believe we've been married 3 years now (and together for 6!), but they say time flies when you're having fun! Married life has been everything I hoped for and more. Life is pretty fantastic when you experience it with your best friend :)

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have an amazing week! xx